Join us This Saturday + America’s Wrong Direction
Hello Friends!
We’ve been busy at the Maryland Republican Party, and I have two things to share with you:
- Annapolis Super Saturday: Come join us in our beautiful state capital this Saturday, October 30th at 9:30am. We’ll head out to talk to voters about Steven Strawn for Mayor and our great Aldermen candidates. Sign-up here!

2. Check out our newest issues pieces called “Wrong Direction” below. It is time to break the Democrat monopoly when according to Rasmussen, 64% of Americans think our country is headed in the wrong direction.
A special thanks to the fellow Grassroots Committee Members who worked on our newest piece: Melissa Brown, Roger Lerner, Nicole Beus Harris, Patti, Price, Baltimore County Chairwoman Kathi Smero, and 3rd Vice Chair Chris Tomlinson.
I hope to see you in Annapolis!
New Trump Top Ten
Hello Fellow Republicans,
Now that the DNC has wrapped up their convention of platitudes, it is full steam ahead to the RNC Convention. In the coming week, Americans will hear about the countless results that President Trump has delivered for the American people.
Along these lines, I am very excited to share with you our new Trump Top 10!

With all the results the President has produced, it is a challenge to narrow the list down. But our Grassroots team thought these issues resonate the best with swing/undecided voters. Yuge thanks to the volunteers who worked on our new Trump Top 10: Melissa Brown, Pat Fenati, Todd Logsdon, Sandy Kapinos, Kathryn Jerrard, Jim Wass, and our stellar Executive Director Corine Frank.
Our hope is that this one-page “Trump Top 10” is resource for you. Print it out to review in a speech to a local club, enlarge it on foamboard for your county headquarters, and/or print 500 copies and hand it out as you knock on doors!
Onward to victory!
Nicolee Ambrose
Assistant Secretary of the 2020 RNC Convention
RNC Maryland National Committeewoman
Thank You for Re-Electing Me!
Hello Maryland Republicans,
I am deeply honored that you re-elected me as Maryland’s National Committeewoman this past weekend. Competition is the American way, and so I was determined to focus on issues & the results we have achieved together.
We have truly come so far. Back in 2012, members of the Maryland GOP were depressed and concerned we would never again elect a statewide Republican. Together we decided to change that. Beginning with a grassroots plan focused on working both smarter and harder, we lifted ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Next came a comprehensive Grassroots program – replete with Super Saturdays – where we took our message directly to the voters. Victories began rolling in sooner than we thought possible. First, we elected mayors in blue cities and then we elected Governor Hogan and swept blue districts. Then, we re-elected a Republican Governor for the first time in Maryland’s modern history. This was only possible because we took our issues to the voters and unlike the Democrats, we Republicans take no Marylander for granted.
I am honored to be part of this team of grassroots warriors who get in the arena. As leaders of our GOP, thank you for demonstrating exactly what “Citizenship in a Republic” should be as best said by President Theodore Roosevelt:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
President Theodore Roosevelt
As citizen warriors in the arena, we have two very specific tasks ahead of us: elections in 2020 and 2022. For this year, the pressure is on to re-elect President Trump and also support our GOP nominees in races across the state. At this very moment, we need to be reaching out to our fellow Marylanders via Trump Talk to make sure they have received their ballots and submit them before June 2nd. We must give credit where credit is due and recognize our Maryland Young Republicans and College Republicans, who have made over 310,000 voter contacts since February 1st. All of the groundwork we are doing this year will help us train and prepare for 2022.
I look forward to working with each and every one of you to make this state more RED. We have come so far in transforming our state’s political culture. We Republicans are working diligently to give Marylanders a true two party system. This transformation was only possible because of our teamwork, and we will only continue to build with teamwork. Thank you for re-electing me, and I’m honored that you placed your faith and confidence in me.
Onward to making Maryland more RED! Thank you!
I ask for your vote on Saturday!
Hello Maryland GOP Leaders,
It is a complete joy to serve alongside you and I humbly ask for your vote at our Convention on Saturday!
The most fulfilling part of my volunteer position is working alongside you and sharing our successes to advocate for Maryland. These results are possible because we have built a tremendous team focused on building the GOP.
I look forward to seeing you online at our Virtual MDGOP Convention tomorrow! Please make sure you are registered by 5:00pm today, Friday. If you are having any difficulties with IT, please reach out to .
I also want to share additional endorsements from more of our leaders from around the state. These sentiments, as well as those shared by so many of you in our conversations, are endlessly appreciated! My goal is always to earn your support.

“Nicolee’s enthusiasm, dedication, and limitless energy are building the Republican ranks in Maryland. Whether through grassroots, working with Young Republicans, Super Saturdays, or speaking at events, Nicolee continuously works to promote Republican values. By sharing our platform, Nicolee shows voters the better option is smaller government. For her success in strengthening our party, I proudly endorse Nicolee Ambrose for Maryland Republican National Committeewoman.”
Tammy Truitt
Somerset County GOP

“I am setting pen to paper today to wholeheartedly support Nicolee Ambrose. I cannot think of a more perfect person to hold the position of National Committeewoman. She is the hardest worker I know in the MDGOP. She is not only a friend, but has been a great supporter in my campaigns for State Senate.
“Nicolee is very committed to turning our state red. She has dedicated much of her time hosting public speaking classes for candidates, increasing the party’s presence with her Grassroots efforts, and organizing and attending Super Saturdays and other training classes. Her willingness to assist candidates in all aspects of their campaigns is a great asset. She goes above and beyond her responsibilities as National Committeewoman.
“She also volunteers her time in the community and is a good representative of the Republican Party with her positive attitude and outgoing personality. I sincerely recommend Nicolee Ambrose to be re-elected as National Committeewoman.”
Jesse Peed
State Senate Nominee, District 27
Member & Former Chairman, Prince George’s GOP
“I am excited to share my endorsement of one of Maryland’s finest, Nicolee Ambrose for Maryland National Committeewoman.
“I will never forget when Nicolee organized a Super Saturday here in Salisbury, to help us overcome all odds and elect a Republican to the City Council. Nicolee’s efforts helped to push us over the finish line – we truly could not have done it without her. I am proud support Nicolee Ambrose in her reelection campaign as Maryland’s National Committeewoman; rather than being political, my endorsement of Nicolee is both practical & personal. From Super Saturdays to grassroots trainings, Nicolee always comes through when we need her. Whether it’s an issue of local, state, or national importance, Nicolee is only an email away, ready to offer support for even the smallest of municipal races. I have no doubt that Nicolee Ambrose will continue to make Maryland proud as our National Committeewoman.”
Nate Sansom
Wicomico GOP

“It is with excitement and joy that I am supporting Nicolee Ambrose for re-election as the Maryland Republican National Committeewoman. Nicolee has been an active force in grassroots organizing as well as developing strong relationships with local committees across Maryland. I have had the pleasure to work closely with Nicolee for many years in my position as Vice-Chair of the Talbot County Republican Central Committee and as the Chair of the Mid Shore Young Republicans. Her leadership and integrity have helped diversify the party. We need to keep growing the party, and I know my friend Nicolee Ambrose can get the job done!”
Jim Jaramillo
Vice Chair
Talbot County GOP

“In 2015 Nicolee and numerous volunteers travelled to Salisbury to support my campaign for Salisbury City Council with a Super Saturday event which lead to overwhelming victory against three other opponents. Nicolee’s support of candidates in municipal & local elections, those running for state offices, and up to highest offices in the land, display her commitment and dedication to the Republican Party.
Her leadership is extraordinary and I fully support her re-election as Maryland’s National Committeewoman.”
Councilman Muir Boda
Vice Chair
Wicomico County GOP

“I have known Nicolee Ambrose for several years and have watched her rise in her offices and responsibilities. She has performed well at every level including her present position as GOP National Committeewoman for the State of Maryland. I see no reason to change this position or to interrupt our progress. I am, therefore, proud to join many others and endorse Nicolee Ambrose to continue as GOP National Committeewoman to represent the State of Maryland.”
John C. Gordon, MD
Baltimore County Republican Central Committee

“In 2017, I moved to Maryland and almost immediately got involved in the MDGOP. I was excited to get to work and learn the lay of the land in a new state!
One person that welcomed me to the Maryland Republican Party with open arms was Nicolee Ambrose. As an FO, Nicolee was an invaluable resource. She helped me when it came to working with down ballot candidates, engaging volunteers, and mobilizing our supporters to get involved in our grassroots efforts.
She is a leader who consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty and is constantly giving back to the community. One example is her involvement with Tears of a Mother’s Cry, a nonprofit in Baltimore City that supports those who have lost family members to violence. She has gotten many in her network, including myself, involved to help those who need it most.
Thank you for your leadership, support, friendship, and commitment to making the Republican Party better. I wholeheartedly support your re-election and look forward to working with you for many years to come!”
Victoria Laird
Maryland College Republican
2018 Victory Team
Thank you to these fine Americans, leaders, and activists for sharing their support. Thank you to so many others of you who have also shared your support of my re-election. I humbly ask for your vote at our convention tomorrow.
Montgomery County Leaders for Nicolee!

Hello GOP Leaders,
It is my distinct honor to share wonderful news from many GOP leaders in Montgomery County. Home to several statewide leaders and dedicated Central Committee members, I am honored that over half of Montgomery County GOP Members are supporting my re-election. Thank you to First Vice Chair Dennis Melby, Second Vice Chair Jeff Brown, and Treasurer Don Irvine for the below endorsements.
Additionally, our statewide Maryland Young Republican Chairman Maria Sofia calls Montgomery home. Thank you to Maria for this incredibly touching endorsement video about our work together building the future of our Party!
Thank you also to the Montgomery County Central Committee members and officers who have endorsed me and shared their support. It has been a complete pleasure to work with you from training events and Super Saturdays, to advocating issues and challenging the Dems on MoCo media venues. Thank you for the following personal endorsements.
“A while back, in a blue state, in a blue Montgomery County, and a very blue town, I was elected 4 times to the village council in Friendship Heights. We were a little town of only 5,000 citizens, but like all over the state you run non-partisan. Most times in areas like that we’re not elected because we are Republicans, but despite being a Republican. While the hard work to get elected the first time was important the reelection was the key. It meant they knew you, they trusted you, and it meant they liked your accomplishments.
Thanks for your hard work. I’m glad to serve with some great and dedicated people on the Central Committee, and look forward to voting for you on Saturday.”
Dennis Melby
1st Vice Chair
Montgomery County GOP

“I am endorsing Nicolee Ambrose for re-election as Maryland’s National Committee Woman. She has worked closely with most of us in Montgomery County whenever we have asked including many super Saturdays. Her grassroots classes and her tireless efforts to improve Maryland’s connections to the RNC have in my opinion proved to me she is an asset we need in this position. Nicolee has my total support in her re-election effort.”
Jeff Brown
2nd Vice Chair
Montgomery County GOP
“I am proud to announce my endorsement for the re-election of Nicolee Ambrose as the National Committeewoman representing the Republican Party in the great state of Maryland. Nicolee has devoted countless hours to help build our party by speaking, holding events and working with central committees throughout the state. During her time in office, Nicolee has reinvigorated the position of National Committeewoman and epitomizes what it means to be a Republican in a deep blue state.
Don Irvine
Montgomery County GOP

“Sam and Pat Fenati, members of the Montgomery County Central Committee, are standing with the candidates supported by the President of the United States, Dave Bossie and Nicolee Ambrose who we have found to be ALWAYS willing to help Montgomery County.”
Sam & Pat Fenati
Montgomery County GOP
“Why would we take the risk of changing competent representation in the middle of a crisis? We are competing with our political opponents, every other state, and the Chinese virus for attention and funding. The GOP leadership and the President have relationships with Nicolee and we need their help.”
Rick Hansen
Montgomery County GOP

“I endorse Nicolee Ambrose for Maryland National Committeewoman. Nicolee is doing a great job representing Maryland’s Republican Party with the RNC. Thank you Nicolee for a job well done.”
Dolores Reyes
Montgomery County GOP

“Nicolee has been a team player for a Trump 2020 and will continue for Trump in the next four years!”
Joséphine Wang
Chair, MoCo Trump 2020
Member, Montgomery County GOP
“I am delighted to endorse Nicolee Ambrose to be our next Maryland Republican Party National Committeewoman!
I think she is very hardworking, knowledgeable and the most dedicated party official that I know. I have heard her talking, seen her working in the last few years. I have no doubt she will continue to do great things as National Committeewomen in the new term.”
Raj Sarikonda
Montgomery County GOP
Thank you to these fine Americans!