Hello Friends!
We’ve been busy at the Maryland Republican Party, and I have two things to share with you:
- Annapolis Super Saturday: Come join us in our beautiful state capital this Saturday, October 30th at 9:30am. We’ll head out to talk to voters about Steven Strawn for Mayor and our great Aldermen candidates. Sign-up here!
2. Check out our newest issues pieces called “Wrong Direction” below. It is time to break the Democrat monopoly when according to Rasmussen, 64% of Americans think our country is headed in the wrong direction.
A special thanks to the fellow Grassroots Committee Members who worked on our newest piece: Melissa Brown, Roger Lerner, Nicole Beus Harris, Patti, Price, Baltimore County Chairwoman Kathi Smero, and 3rd Vice Chair Chris Tomlinson.
I hope to see you in Annapolis!