Hello Friends,
Today, I have updates for you on two fronts.
While we are experiencing these unprecedented times, I wanted to share the White House’s fact sheet on how the Trump Administration is responding to support Maryland. And then yesterday President Trump unveiled a testing overview and a testing blueprint to facilitate state development and implementation of robust testing plans and rapid response program, in partnership with the private sector. Here are details from The White House:
Testing Overview
Testing Blueprint
Fact Sheet
Additionally, on the home front here in Maryland, I am incredibly grateful for these amazing endorsements for my re-election as National Committeewoman. Thank you to these leaders from across the state for their support:

“I am proud to endorse our MDGOP National Committeewoman Nicolee Ambrose for re-election. Her outstanding dedication, vision, & work ethic will help us grow our registered voters and elect Republican candidates to office.”
William H. Campbell, 2010 & 2014 MDGOP nominee for MD Comptroller
Howard County Republican Central Committee

“I have known Nicolee Ambrose for many years. She has been tireless in her efforts to help the Republican Party WIN. To the point, I, without reservation, completely endorse Nicolee to continue on as our august National Committeewoman.”
Delegate Barrie Ciliberti (District 4.- Frederick County)
Frederick Country Republican Central Committee
“Everything starts at the ‘Grassroots Level.’ Nicolee Ambrose has excelled at this level leading Marylanders tirelessly as she works to get out the vote to get Republicans elected. As Chairman of the Calvert County Republican Central Committee, Nicolee has always been responsive to my questions, given me guidance, and kept me informed with what is happening in our State. I look forward to continuing to work alongside such a dynamic woman as we re-elect our President in 2020. Nicolee Ambrose has my full endorsement for her re-election as Maryland’s National Committeewoman.”
Catherine Grasso
Calvert County Republican Central Committee

“Nicolee has worked hard to win elections and is not afraid to put those sneakers on. She has been down in the trenches with us putting miles on those feet door knocking and walking those parades in support of campaigns. Nobody has worked any harder to win elections then she has. And she is well deserving of the position!”
Linda Luffman
Wicomico County Republican Central Committee

Delegate Ric Metzgar (District 6 – Baltimore County)

“I am proud to endorse Nicolee Ambrose for re-election as RNC Committeewoman. Nicolee has been a staunch supporter of the Republican Party in Maryland. Her energy and spirit is far more contagious than the Coronavirus! I plan to support her so we can continue to have this positive energy to push into the future.”
Vince Sammons
Cecil County Republican Central Committee
“Nicolee has been THE leader of Republican activism in Maryland. She is the one who has gotten our Republicans working, going door-to-door, talking with other Marylanders about Republican ideas and goals. None of this would have happened if she had not initiated the effort, rounded up the volunteers, and started “Super Saturdays” several years ago. I note that Larry Hogan is the first Republican governor to be re-elected in Maryland in modern history. That would not have happened without our cadre of well-trained workers, responding to Nicolee’s leadership. In Garrett County, our door-to-door effort led by Ruth Umbel was a direct result of the example Nicolee set. Because of these efforts, all across the state independents realize there IS a Republican presence, a Republican point of view, a body of Republican values that resonate with the people of Maryland. Nicolee has my very strong endorsement.”
Tom Sheahen
Past Chairman & Member
Garrett County Republican Central Committee
Thank you and be well.

Nicolee Ambrose
Maryland National Committeewoman
Republican National Committee
Paid for and authorized by Nicolee Ambrose.