Greetings Marylanders:

Yesterday was a GREAT day for Maryland Republicans! Since we began emphasizing work on 2015 municipal elections last fall at the MDGOP Convention, several Republicans stepped up to the plate and won elections where no Republican has won in recent memory.

Congratulations to Muir Boda, the newly elected Salisbury City Councilman! In one of the last remaining Democratic strongholds on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Muir garnered a victory by running on a platform focused on eliminating onerous regulations on businesses and improving the quality of life.

Nicolee Ambrose, Salisbury City Councilman-Elect Muir Boda,
and Campaign Manager Jackie Wellfonder

Congratulations to Michael Estève, the newly elected Bowie City Councilman! Mike won his race handily in a Prince George’s County jurisdiction that comprises of 80% registered Democratic voters by emphasizing good government and tax reduction. Yes, Republicans can win in Prince George’s County!

Prince George’s County Super Saturday

Michael Estève and Muir Boda were both beneficiaries of our Maryland GOP 2015 Super Saturday Program aimed at helping Republicans win in “blue” territory. We are 2 for 2 on this effort!

Wicomico County Super Saturday

Huge kudos to the hardworking volunteers and campaign staffers who helped make these victories a reality. And, another uproarious round of applause for Congressman Andy Harris leading by example ~ he went door-to-door in Salisbury, made phone calls, and came to yet another Super Saturday.

Congressman Andy Harris addressing Super Saturday volunteers.

In addition to this great news, Aberdeen elected a Republican mayor in Patrick McGrady last night. Now, all of Harford County’s municipalities will be governed by a Republican!

As municipal races happen throughout the year, let’s not forget our key victories earlier this year that gave us a ton of momentum and inspiration heading into the first Tuesday of November.

The heavily Democratic town of Kensington in Montgomery County elected our own Tommy Rodriguez as Town Councilman earlier this year.

Kensington Town Councilman Tommy Rodriguez, Nicolee Ambrose,
and Bowie City Councilman-Elect Michael Estève

In the overwhelmingly Democratic town of Berwyn Heights located “inside the Beltway” in Prince George’s County, our own Lynn White won an appointment to the Berwyn Heights Town Council. Along with Estève, we now have TWO Republican officials in Prince George’s County where there previously was none for over a decade.

Nicolee Ambrose with Berwyn Heights Town Councilwoman Lynn White

Congrats to all on these 2015 successes, but party building never stops and together we must continue to build our bench. Let’s continue to “make Maryland more Red!”

I look forward to sharing stories about our experiences on the campaign trail and our federal, state, and local goals for our 2016 Super Saturday efforts at our upcoming MDGOP Convention on November 20th and 21st  in Solomons Island, MD.  Please register for the convention and reserve your room here.

Congratulations to all!

Nicolee Ambrose
Maryland National Committeewoman
Republican National Committee

Paid for and authorized by Nicolee Ambrose.

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