Fellow Marylanders,
By now you’ve probably heard the dreadful details about President Obama’s nuclear deal and sanction give-away with Iran, which seems to forget we have a U.S. Congress. However, Senator Ben Cardin is considered a critical vote, and he has voiced concern about this deal.
As his constituents, we can all call Senator Cardin’s office to say “Vote NO” on the Iran Nuclear Deal. Please call Senator Cardin at either or both locations:
Baltimore: 410-962-4436
Washington, DC: 202-224-4524
For background, please view this Wall Street Journal piece. (http://www.wsj.com/articles/senate-democrats-key-to-iran-deal-1437092680)
Note this key quote issued by Senators Ben Cardin (D) and Bob Corker (R) in a letter to President Obama last Thursday:
“We are deeply concerned that your administration plans to enable the United Nations Security Council to vote on the agreement before the United States Congress can do the same. We urge you to postpone the vote at the United Nations until after Congress considers this agreement.”
Senator Cardin is the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations committee, so please call his office at 202-224-4524, and let’s try to make a difference.
Nicolee Ambrose
Maryland National Committeewoman
Republican National Committee
Paid for and authorized by Nicolee Ambrose.