4 Ways To Blaze Your GOP Glory Trail
Happy Monday to You!
In this incredibly busy time, I wanted to flash a few key events and outstanding opportunities across your radar screen. Here is the latest and greatest for October:
1) Congressman Allen West is coming to Maryland! Please join us for a Maryland GOP VIP Reception with Congressman West this Wednesday. VIP guests can have their picture taken with Congressman West, and receive a copy of it that night. Also, included is a dinner ticket for the Prince George’s Lincoln Day Dinner. Buy your ticket for the VIP Reception, or just join us for the dinner, and reserve your ticket at www.PGGOP.com.
· Wednesday, October 9th
· Maryland GOP VIP Reception: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
· Prince George’s Lincoln Day Dinner: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
· Buy tickets at www.PGGOP.com
2) Oktoberfest with Congressman Mike Rogers, best-selling author John Lott, and Peter Ferrara. Join the fabulous, fun, and always delectable evening led with aplomb by Ambassador Ellen Sauerbrey.
· Saturday, October 12th
· 7:00pm to 11:00pm
· Maryland State Fairgrounds, 4H Building, 2200 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093
· Buy tickets at www.MDGOP.org
3) Super Saturdays: It is time for the bell weather elections in Frederick and Annapolis! Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th! Take a moment to sign-up and dedicate a few hours this Fall to get Republicans elected in Maryland.
· Sign-up to help in Frederick on Saturday, October 26th here:
· Sign-up to help in Annapolis on Saturday, November 2nd here:
I will be at each of these events and hope to see you there!

Nicolee Ambrose
RNC Maryland National Committeewoman
Chairwoman Emeritus, Young Republican National Federation
Paid for and authorized by Nicolee Ambrose.