Hello Fellow Republicans:
I am looking forward to seeing each and every one of you at the Maryland GOP Convention this weekend. In preparation, I want to ask you to join the Grassroots and Civic work we are doing, plus share key information about the RNC Rules issue.
At the same time, I must say “hats off” to our Republican legislators who held the line in this past cataclysmic legislative session. In these troubling times, we are honored to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those who are fighting the good fight. And, stand together we must.
Mobilizing the Grassroots
To focus on future positive gains for the GOP, we need to lay the groundwork now. This fundamental premise is why we started the Grassroots Committee chaired by Faith Loudon, and the Civic Committee chaired by Tony Campbell. Please join us on Saturday morning to see our first round of plans for building a foundation, and how you can specifically get involved:
Saturday, April 20th at the MDGOP Convention:
Hunt Valley Crowne Plaza Hotel
2004 Greenspring Drive
Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Register at www.mdgop.org/convention.
• 9 am: Civic Committee Meeting. Our first goal is to start welcoming our newest Citizens, and we would like you to join us in being that first positive impression.
• 10 am: Grassroots Committee Meeting & Official Voter Registration Training. Please sign-up for a slot here: http://bit.ly/Z0TaMd In addition to official training, we will unveil our Voter Registration plans and Super Saturday schedule for 2013.
Please add these times to your Convention agenda, and get ready to volunteer!
The Era of Rules: Empowering the Grassroots
When Rush Limbaugh is talking about RNC Rules on the radio, we know something is afloat. Please know I am humbled by the support many of you have shown me regarding wanting me to serve as Maryland’s representative to the RNC’s Standing Committee on Rules. As I shared at the RNC’s Winter Meeting, my guiding principle in working on RNC Rules is to restore the basic premise of our Party that we are a bottom up Party – founded, formed, and functioning through the grassroots. This is how the Party made it back to the top in electing President Ronald Reagan, and it is precisely how the GOP will make it to the top again.
As a result of the 2012 Tampa Convention, membership on the RNC’s Standing Committee on Rules has become a hot button issue for grassroots activists. Now that a state can change their representative to this committee at any time, our grassroots should feel empowered not only in Maryland, but also across all states and territories. We have an election for MDGOP Chairman on Saturday, and again for most Party leadership positions in the Fall of 2014. There are constant opportunities to get involved and directly affect change – so take heart! Our time will come.
As it happens, Maryland is simply the first test case for the important issue of how each state’s Rules representative will be handled in this new era. But, it is important for each person to do their own research and develop their own principled stance. To that end, I am attaching copies of the 2008 RNC Rules and the 2012 RNC Rules. Additionally, I’m attaching a letter from 60 nationally recognized conservative leaders who together voiced their concerns on the Rules issue.
At the most recent RNC Spring Meeting, significant improvement was made with the unanimous passage of new language for Rule 16(a)2, which affects how a state elects delegates to a convention. However, there is much work to be done. A significant proposal from the Leadership Institute’s President and Virginia National Committeeman Morton Blackwell to restore power to grassroots, failed by ONLY 2 votes in the RNC Rules Committee (with a vote of 25 Yeas to 28 Nays). The good news is that this is a matter of “WHEN not IF.” At each meeting we are making incremental progress, and hearing more each time from the backbone of our Party – the Grassroots.
As one of your three Maryland representatives to the RNC, I am looking forward to working within the National Committee as it continues to tackle this crucial issue now and well into the future.
Let’s make 2013 a year of fully empowering the grassroots, both in Maryland and nationally!
Standing with you,
Nicolee Ambrose
RNC Maryland National Committeewoman
Chairwoman Emeritus, Young Republican National Federation
Paid for and authorized by Nicolee Ambrose.